FWA April 2022 Narrative Report
In the month of April, the finishing works for Ntaseka clinic maternity ward were completed. On April, 8, 2022, under ……………………………………..
In the month of April, the finishing works for Ntaseka clinic maternity ward were completed. On April, 8, 2022, under ……………………………………..
My name is Smith. When I learned that I was HIV positive, I tried to take the retro drugs correctly. But, after few months, I stopped my medication. Afterwards I started having opportunistic infections all the time and it was after taking again the retro drugs that my health improved. I thank the Ntaseka clinic…
“When I was newly married my husband used to bring women into our house. He told me to prepare them something to eat and I did it because of the fear of being beaten. I was told that the wife must bear all the evil that her husband does and I chose to endure and…
Normally my husband lives in Bujumbura, He comes in village to impregnate me only because he knows that I am a woman who knows how to search for money. I did family planning to avoid birth because I have 2 children who are on special medical assistance because of their malformation. When he saw that…
My name is Rose. I live in violence, now there is 20 years ago; I said to myself that I have to be a strong woman in order to protect my children., After being disappointed by my husband who accused to have sex with his friend, there is no longer peace in our household. I…
“I am that woman victim of GBV who wanted and planned to kill my husband. I wasn’t lying because I had already tried it for my first husband; it was even said on the radio: I threw hot water on his body and I fled to the DRC country. I spent 2 years there. They…
My name is Jacqueline. I was staying with my uncle here in Bujumbura for studies reason. When he died, his wife sent me away because it was very hard to find enough food for all of us. I stopped my studies as there was no one to pay for my school fees. I found a…