On December 17, 2020, according to the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against HIV/AIDS, since March 31, 2020 a total of 76962 people have been tested for COVID-19, including 760 confirmed cases, 687 discharged,71 active cases and two deaths. So, since July 2020, different organizations have supported Ntaseka clinic to prevent both its staff and patients from covid-19. They are the Red Cross Burundi, the African Great Lakes Initiatives (AGLI), the Friends World Consultation Committee (FWCC), the Global Giving Foundation, Gould Family Foundation through Life Net International Burundi and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Burundi. The good news is that we are still safe at Ntaseka clinic.
FWCC has supported us to protect both ourselves and our families. Actually, when we arrive at the service, we take off our own clothes to put on the uniform from FWCC. After our working hours we wash our hands, take off the uniform, wash our hands again, then put on our own clothes and go home. This goes a long way in protecting us against covid-19, our families and friends included. A big thank you to FWCC! Said Augustin Harushimana, one of the medical staff at Ntaseka clinic.