Friends Women’s Association
My name is Anniella. I am 28 years old. I have 3 children. The first is 2 years 6 months old. The second is 1 year 6 months old and the last is 3 months old. My husband abandoned me for no reason after 2 weeks of giving birth to the 2nd child. Because of these close pregnancies, I lost my job in one of the companies in Bujumbura because with prenatal leave and work without a contract, I could not honor my specifications. When I learned that there are Self-Help Groups at Ntaseka clinic, I joined one of them. I participated in a workshop on Family Planning when my second child was 9 months old. I refused to join contraceptive methods because of three reasons: the first was that I was not with my husband. The second was that my religious beliefs did not allow adherence to family planning. The third was the side effects of contraceptives. Suddenly I received a visit from my husband who immediately impregnated me with a third child and continued on his way as usual. My husband is now out of my discussions. I decided not to continue living the ordeal. I am currently on family planning. I preferred the long-acting 5-year method and vow not to have another child if nothing changes