All Friends women association’s reports in 2017
FWA August 2017 Report During the month of August 2017, the activities done were about READY, RSS, CHIVPP and IWRH projects, On August 15th, 2017, there was FWA General Assembly Meeting in Kibimba
During this month of August 2017, medical follow up, nutritional support and home visits were done for our HIV positive people. One discussion group was also done on August 29th, 2017. Download the whole report in Pdf File
On July 16-22, Pastor NTAHUBA Parfaite attended the HROC second international gathering at Friends peace Garden , Kicukiro, Kigali, Rwanda. Download the whole report in Pdf File
FWA JUNE 2017 Report As part of the READY project, different services were offered in the following logic: 42 teenagers from the target group, including 28 female and 14 male, underwent voluntary testing and received information about HIV/AIDS through pre and post-test counseling. We had seven young female people from the target group (age between 10 and 19 years) for family planning and related information.110 young people were given information on sexual ,and reproductive health, and 480 condoms were distributed to young people.
FWA JUNE 2017 Report On June 12-15, Pastor NTAHUBA Parfaite attended a workshop on post conflicts and GBV trauma and healing for women leaders which took place in NAIROBI, KENYA at the AACC DESMOND TUTU CONFERENCE CENTRE. This workshop was organized by All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) for African women leaders. We are happy to invite you to this workshop. Attached please find the concept note. The AACC catered for her air ticket, accommodation and meals for the duration of the conference.Download the whole report in Pdf File
FWA MAY 2017 Report On May 23, 2017, Pastor NTAHUBA Parfaite, FWA coordinator, came back from Canada. There attended a two-week training on Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping (UCP) at Selkirk College, Nelson Tenth Street Campus, British Columbia in Canada. Parfaite comes back with UCP skills that will surely help in a practical way in her leadership as a both one of the three women pastors from the Evangelical Friends church of Burundi and FWA coordinator. UCP principles (Nonviolence, nonpartisanship, independency, transparency, primacy for local people) and strategies (Proactive presence, Building relationships, capacity building and monitoring) might also so relevant in Burundi especially when it comes to elections. Thanks a lot to the Mircentre for Peace at Selkirk College who has supported FWA coordinator flight as well as her stay in Canada. Download the whole report in Pdf File
FWA APRIL 2017 Report On April 20, 2017, Pastor NTAHUBA Parfaite, FWA coordinator, went back at Selkirk College, Nelson Tenth Street Campus, British Columbia in Canada. The purpose was a two-week training on Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping. This course has started with an online part on January 23, 2017. The Mircentre for Peace has supported FWA coordinator flight as well as her stay in Canada. On April 25, 2017, in order to align with t the prevention of Violence against Women week, Pastor Parfaite was invited as the key speaker by the Nelson Violence Against Women committee to present the work done by FWA to address the gender-based violence issue in Burundi. The following day, April 26, 2017, she was also invited to talk with another group of Nelson women during an event called “Let’s Talk Justice, Equality and Power”. Download the whole report in Pdf File
FWA MARCH 2017 Report With the support of Segal Family Foundation (SFF), FWA has started to update its website. See March 8, 2017, FWA joined the world to celebrate the International Day of Women by launching the Improving Women’s reproductive Health program 2017 phase. Thanks to SFF for this event to happen. Download the whole report in Pdf File
The work done during the month of February 2017. Friends’ Women’s Association got a new partner “Segal Family Foundation”. This last has agreed to support our programs especially “Improving Women’s Reproductive Health” (IWRH). Friends’ Women’s Association got a new partner “Segal Family Foundation”. This last has agreed to support our programs especially “Improving Women’s Reproductive Health” (IWRH). Download the whole report in pdf file
The work done during the month of January 2017. On January 16-20, 2017, Quaker Service Norway (QSN) organized an intensive training on financial management which took place at Friends Peace garden in Kigali, Rwanda. An organization called “MANGO” from United Kingdom was facilitating this so important training. FWA was represented by three people: the legal representative, the coordinator and the accountant. Download the whole report in pdf file
The work done by Fwa during the month of December 2016. On December 12-16, 2016, NTAHUBA Parfaite (the coordinator of FWA) and HORANIMANA Grace (FWA social worker), attended an intensive study on reflection on the practice of peace which took place at Friends Peace garden in Kigali, Rwanda. This training was organized by the Great Lakes Peacebuilding Institute (GLPI). To be represented there, FWA was supported by Quaker Service Norway (QSN) Download the whole report in pdf file
Caring for HIV people, Narrative Report (July 2015-August 2016) On 6 September 2013, FWA was accredited by the Ministry of Health to dispense antiretroviral treatment (ARV). Over the year 2014, FWA has worked tirelessly to expand into a site ARV. FWA’s medical staff had been trained to dispense ARVs by FHI360, an international nongovernmental organization that is helping clinics in Burundi scale up their services in order to prevent mother to child transmission.One of the main challenges to scaling up its HIV services was that FWA had not its own CD4 machine, which is used to determine whether or not the patient’s blood count is low enough to qualify for the ARVs; nor had its own Complete Blood Count (CBC) machine, which establishes whether the body can handle the side effects from the ARV drugs. In order to begin dispensing, FWA had formed partnerships with several NGOs who have fully equipped labs. Thanks to these partnerships, FWA began dispensing ARV treatment in December of 2014. Download the whole report here
Improving Women reproductive health, Annual Report (2016) Burundi is a landlocked country located in East Africa with an area of 27,834 square kilometer. Burundi is estimated at 7.8 million of which 90% live in rural areas. The population density is 266 inhabitants per square kilometer, which ranks Burundi among the most populous country of Africa. The age of 15-49 represent 46.1% of the population, with an average of 1,000 babies born per day. Current growth wills double the population within 25 years. Even though Medicine is in the process of integrating the family planning methods, the population is far from understanding the system. This is caused by a cultural mindset that sees the child as richness or a blessing. Women give birth without any planning; they think a child is for everyone. Added to this, there are different beliefs related to the methods of regulation which consider these as a sin or cause of fertility. And population continues to multiply. Adverse effects of high population in Burundi are the cause of increased conflict and murders related to land earth. Some statistics show that more than 80% of treated disputes in court are essentially land. It was in this context that FWA wanted to contribute in helping the community of Kamenge, Kinama and Cibitoke to change attitudes and behavior towards reproductive health in order to reduce conflicts and make people consistent with economic development. This purpose had to be achieved through workshops and family planning awareness. The project global objective was to contribute to birth regulation through family planning. Download the whole report (pdf file, file size 619 KB) here