Friends Women’s Association JULY 2022 Report
I joined the SHGs and at the end of the year, I showed him the money I saved and my interest.From that moment……………………………….
I joined the SHGs and at the end of the year, I showed him the money I saved and my interest.From that moment……………………………….
“I never tasted love in my marriage. We worked together to get money. I used to spent the day working in our restaurant, when I came home tired, he threw at me traumatic words. He used to tell me that he will kill me one day. Sometimes he showed me the photos of his girlfriend….
Women’s Economic Empowerment Center WEECThe Women’s Economic Empowement Center (WEEC) is a new project that the FWA has started in th emonthe of Jul 2024 under the support of the African Great Lakes Initiative (AGLI) of the Friends Peace Teams). The aim is to avail training rooms and a temporary safe shelter for gender-based violence…
Under the support of the Canadian Friends Service Committee (CFSC), have continued the construction work of the Women’s Socio Economic Empowement Center (WSEEC). The aim of this project is to avail training rooms and a temporary safe shelter for gender-based violence survivors at the FWA headquarters. This project will cost $200,000
This workshop heals us. I had a plan that my wife will no longer see my money but, after these three days due to the couple’s discussions we decided to change especially me as her husband. We will discuss together what concerns finances. We have 9 children and I told my wife that the education…
Ciella was born from an HIV positive mother, she was suffering from malnutrition. Under the support of Red Cross Burundi, FWA was able to give milk to her. Esperance, one of the FWA health mediators, took the initiative to raise her from her own home………………………..
My name is Jacqueline. I was staying with my uncle here in Bujumbura for studies reason. When he died, his wife sent me away because it was very hard to find enough food for all of us. I stopped my studies as there was no one to pay for my school fees. I found a…