Friends Women’s Association JULY 2022 Report
I joined the SHGs and at the end of the year, I showed him the money I saved and my interest.From that moment……………………………….
I joined the SHGs and at the end of the year, I showed him the money I saved and my interest.From that moment……………………………….
I married an orphan husband. He promised me to live happily and He used to say that I am all He has. After 4 year, he started dating other women. I lived in the village and He was in Bujumbura.One day……………………….
COVID-19 AND NTASEKA CLINIC In the month March 2021, Friends Women’s Association has continued to apply Covid-19 restrictions at Ntaseka Clinic for both the staff and the beneficiaries’ protection. MARCH 8, 2021 On March 12, 2021, as women-led organization which works for women, the FWA joined the world to celebrate the international women’s day.
“I am that woman victim of GBV who wanted and planned to kill my husband. I wasn’t lying because I had already tried it for my first husband; it was even said on the radio: I threw hot water on his body and I fled to the DRC country. I spent 2 years there. They…
My name is Rose. I live in violence, now there is 20 years ago; I said to myself that I have to be a strong woman in order to protect my children., After being disappointed by my husband who accused to have sex with his friend, there is no longer peace in our household. I…
COVID-19 AND NTASEKA CLINIC On December 17, 2020, according to the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against HIV/AIDS, since March 31, 2020 a total of 76962 people have been tested for COVID-19, including 760 confirmed cases, 687 discharged,71 active cases and two deaths. So, since July 2020, different organizations have supported Ntaseka clinic…
“My name is Esperance, what traumatizes me more than others is that my husband stole money from the saving group; we were at the end of the year, I was given a sum of 544,000 FBU to keep it, I put it in a safe place but I don’t know how my husband was able…