Although we still need medical equipment, we have started to have new born babies at Ntaseka clinic.
Although we still need medical equipment, we have started to have new born babies at Ntaseka clinic.
I got married at 16; I was in the refugee camp in Kenya. My husband began dating a girl who was my maid. One day at night……………………….
In the month of November 2023 , in the context of the project “Connecting the Global to the Local: Strengthening Women’s Leadership for the Localization of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on “Women, Peace and Security”, seven psychologists and 132 psychologists’ assistants have been receiving gender-based violence survivors for both listening and…
Although Ntaseka maternity ward still needs some medical equipment; both the delivery and the hospitalization services arecurrently functional…….
“I am that woman victim of GBV who wanted and planned to kill my husband. I wasn’t lying because I had already tried it for my first husband; it was even said on the radio: I threw hot water on his body and I fled to the DRC country. I spent 2 years there. They…
“I have a case of a young girl who has been sent away by one of their neighbors (not her parents) because she was pregnant. What can we do as mediators? Answer: you need to do deep investigations to understand why the neighbour is taking decision to send away the preganant girl. Or if the…
The Self-Help Groups have continued to meet once a week. At the end of January 2022, we had a total of 149 SHGs in Kamenge, Bujumbura Mairie province for a total of 3538 women and 30 SHGs for 738 women in Nyabiraba commune, Bujumbura province.